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How Much Does RPO Cost? Pricing Models Explained

Published January 10, 2024
Explaining the cost of recruitment process outsourcing

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) has emerged as a strategic solution for organizations looking to streamline their hiring processes, improve efficiency, and attract top talent. As businesses consider incorporating RPO as a talent solution, a common question arises: How much does RPO cost?  

Let’s define the most common RPO cost models and review several factors that can influence the cost. 

RPO Pricing Models 


Management Fee (Fixed Fee Model) 

The RPO provider charges a fixed fee for the overall management of the recruitment process. This fee typically covers their services, infrastructure, and expertise. The management fee model offers a comprehensive approach to recruitment and is generally associated with enterprise RPO services. 

  • Budget Predictability: Fixed, predictable costs for the overall management of the recruitment process. 
  • Stability: A fixed fee provides stability even in periods of fluctuating needs. 
  • Limited Performance Incentives: Since the fee is fixed, there may be limited incentives for the RPO provider to exceed baseline performance. 


Cost Per Hire 

In this model, clients pay a fixed fee for every successful hire made by the RPO provider. The fee per hire varies depending on the type of position, industry, and number of hires needed. The cost-per-hire model is typically used for short-term RPO partnerships or project RPO solutions. 

  • Performance-Based: Clients only pay for successful hires, aligning the RPO provider's compensation with the client's hiring goals. 
  • Cost Efficient: Can be cost-effective during periods of lower hiring volume. 
  • Variable Costs: The variable nature of this RPO model may make budgeting more challenging during periods of high hiring volume. 

Management Fee Plus Cost Per Hire 

This model combines the models mentioned above. RPO providers charge a monthly service fee for the ongoing management of the recruitment function and receive payment for each successful hire made. The fixed management fee provides a baseline cost structure, and the variable cost per hire allows for adaptability to changes in hiring volume. 

  • Stability and Performance: Combines the stability of a fixed management fee with performance incentives.
  • Flexibility: Adaptable to varying hiring needs and balances budget predictability and performance alignment.
  • Complexity: The combination of fixed and variable costs may add complexity to the billing structure.


Cost Per Slate 

In this model, the RPO provider charges a fee to provide a “slate” of the most qualified candidates for a client’s open position. Once the RPO sources, screens, and shortlists candidates, the client’s internal recruiters or HR (Human Resources) team will manage the interview and selection process. This model is typically associated with project RPO or short-term RPO.  

  • Diverse Candidate Evaluation: Organizations can evaluate a curated group of candidates before making hiring decisions. 
  • Focus on Quality: Encourages the RPO provider to present high-quality candidates within each slate. 
  • Potential for Higher Initial Costs: Organizations pay for each slate, whether a candidate is hired, which may lead to higher costs. 
  • Limited Flexibility: This model may be less flexible for organizations with rapidly changing hiring needs. 


Cost Per Transaction 

RPO providers charge a fee for a specific step or transaction in the recruitment process, such as resume screening, interviews, or reference checks. It provides a granular view of costs, allowing clients to pay for specific services rather than the entire process.  

  • Granular Cost Control: Allows organizations to pay for specific recruitment steps or transactions

  • Customizable: Suitable for tailoring costs based on specific needs in the recruitment process. 

  • Cumbersome Billing: The model can lead to a more complex billing structure, especially in situations involving multiple transactions. 
  • Potential for Higher Costs: Depending on the number of transactions, costs may accumulate quickly. 

Hybrid or Customized Pricing 

The Hybrid Model combines various elements of the above pricing models to create a customized approach tailored to the client's needs. This flexibility allows organizations to choose components that align with their unique hiring requirements and budget considerations. 

  • Customization: Offers the flexibility to customize the pricing structure based on needs and preferences. 
  • Adaptability: Suited for organizations with diverse hiring requirements that may benefit from a combination of fixed and variable costs. 
  • Complexity: Combining elements from different models may require careful management and clear communication between the RPO partner and the organization.  

Factors That Influence RPO Pricing 

Several factors can influence recruitment process outsourcing price; some key factors include: 

  • Hiring Needs: The volume and frequency of hires can impact the resource allocation, scalability, and effort RPO providers require to meet the client's needs. 
  • Length and Scope of Partnership: The duration and depth of the partnership plays a crucial role in determining pricing. Long-term commitments or partnerships with broader scopes may offer more favorable pricing structures, reflecting a mutually beneficial relationship. 
  • Skill Level and Specialization: Hiring for specialized roles or in-demand skills may require additional resources and recruitment efforts, influencing the overall cost structure. 
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Metrics: RPO providers may offer tiered pricing based on service level agreements and performance outcomes.  


RPO Costs Vs. In-House Recruitment Costs 

Comparing the costs of RPO to in-house recruitment costs is nuanced and depends on the organization's specific context and goals. When comparing the two options, organizations must consider not only the direct monetary expenses but also the long-term impact on the quality of hires, time-to-fill, and the overall efficiency of the recruitment process.  

Here are a few other factors to consider: 

Upfront costs:  

  • In-House Recruitment: Setting up an in-house recruitment team involves startup costs such as hiring HR staff, investing in recruitment technology, and establishing processes. 
  • RPO: Providers may require an initial setup fee, but it is typically lower than the upfront investment needed to create an in-house recruitment function. 

Operational Costs: 

  • In-House Recruitment: Ongoing operational costs include salaries and benefits for internal recruiters, office space, technology, and advertising expenses. 
  • RPO: Costs are often structured as a combination of fixed management fees and variable fees based on performance metrics, providing a level of predictability in operational expenses. 


  • In-House Recruitment: Scaling an in-house team to meet fluctuating recruiting needs can be challenging and may lead to increased operational costs during peak hiring periods. 
  • RPO: Providers offer scalability, allowing organizations to adjust the level of service based on hiring demands. This flexibility can be cost-effective, particularly for businesses with varying recruitment volumes. 

Expertise and Technology: 

  • In-House Recruitment: Building and maintaining expertise in recruitment and leveraging advanced technologies requires ongoing investment and training. 
  • RPO: Providers bring specialized expertise and often have access to advanced recruitment technologies. Their recruitment technology can reduce the burden on the organization to stay current with the latest industry trends and tools. 

While the question of "How much does RPO cost?" lacks a one-size-fits-all answer, organizations can navigate the complexities by understanding the numerous factors influencing the cost of outsourcing recruitment. 

By working closely with reputable RPO providers and customizing services based on unique needs, businesses can make informed decisions that enhance their recruitment processes, attract top talent, and ultimately contribute to organizational success. 

  • Topics: 
  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing,
  • Talent Acquisition Strategy
Post by Zach Coffey

VP Strategic Partnerships

Hi, I’m Zach: I’m a dad, musician, and solutions expert, contributing to the success at Hueman since 2016. I also cook a little.

Career & Achievements: I began my career in recruitment, finding a passion for connecting and building relationships with people, before finding my way into sales management, where I could flex my networking and coaching skills. Since then, I’ve attended speaking engagements at SOAHR, the Human Rights Measurement Initiative hosted by IPMI, RPOA events, and more!

What’s Most Important: Being a great husband and life coach for my boys.